Women’s March Photographs and Narratives Collection now publicly available

By Nancy Heywood, Lead Archivist for Digital and Web Initiatives

In 2017, MHS undertook a collecting initiative with an open call for donations of images and accounts relating to the Women’s March for America, a series of protest marches held around the world following the 2016 U.S. presidential election.  MHS received digital files—images, narratives, and screenshots of tweets—from about a dozen donors. 

Dense crowd of people is depicted standing on Boston Common.  The people in the image all face to the right as if listening to a speaker. One person holds a sign.
Boston Women’s March Participants, photograph donated by Anna Clutterbuck-Cook
Photograph primarily depicts a sign held up by a protester in a crowd of people. The sign features a woman’s symbol with an equals sign.  Brick and sandstone buildings are in the background.
Boston Women’s March Participants, photograph donated by Anna Clutterbuck-Cook

Staff processed, described, and made backup copies of the digital files and donation forms, but the files and metadata remained on staff-accessible parts of the MHS network. The MHS did not have an easy way to make this entire collection accessible to researchers at the time. Today, the digital files comprising the Women’s March Photographs and Narratives collection are fully accessible to the public through the new MHS Digital Archive.  You can also find links to this collection from our library catalog.

Screenshot from the MHS Digital Archive showing Boston Women’s March participants image 06.  A column of metadata is on the left.  The image depicts a large crowd of people standing close to each other, two people are holding signs.  A woman on the left appears to be looking at her cell phone. A woman in the middle of the photograph is looking to the left at various people and she is carrying an infant in a colorful tie-dye sling.
Boston Women’s March Participants, photograph donated by Alicia Cornwell

The ability to view the materials of the Women’s March collection is just one piece of the MHS Digital Archive. However, there is much more happening behind the scenes!

The MHS Digital Archive is the front-end access portal to MHS’s digital preservation system (Preservica).  The backend of the system allows MHS to:

  • organize and describe content
  • securely store content in the cloud with backups
  • monitor files for damage and replace them with an undamaged copy if damage is detected. (This means the system tracks the integrity of files and stores multiple copies of files. If the 0s and 1s of a file have changed, the damaged file can be replaced.)
  • ensure files are readable without needing the original application by saving them in preservation formats; for example, migrating old Word Perfect files to PDFs

MHS has been collecting, preserving and making accessible historically significant materials for over 230 years and with the rollout of the digital preservation system, we are now well-positioned to handle new accessions comprised of hybrid collections (physical and digital) or digital only. We will also be able to efficiently manage any future collecting initiative with an open call for donations of digital files and make them accessible.

What’s in the MHS Digital Archive? Explore Some Examples!  

By Nancy Heywood, Lead Archivist for Digital and Web Initiatives

MHS recently launched the MHS Digital Archive, a system that preserves and provides access to born-digital files and reformatted audiovisual material. Our last blog post provides an overview of the Digital Archive and how to search its contents. This post shares some specific examples for adventurous readers to explore!

MHS’s digital preservation system is a multi-faceted tool that allows us to responsibly ingest (accept), describe, manage, migrate, monitor, and make digital files accessible.  The availability of reformatted audiovisual files via the MHS Digital Archive is especially significant because we don’t have any other way to make audio tapes; cassettes; and VHS, beta, and 16mm films accessible to researchers.   

Video about the history of Suffolk Downs

Item: This stand-alone digital video created in 2023, Suffolk Downs: Race Through Time, focuses on the history of the East Boston racetrack and legalized betting and horseracing in Massachusetts.

Example of a digital video: When MHS accepted this digital video, we knew we would be storing the file and the metadata in our digital preservation system and making it available via the MHS Digital Archive.

Explore in the MHS Digital Archive or start with the catalog record in ABIGAIL and follow the link. 

Screenshot from the MHS Digital Archive of Suffolk Downs: race through time showing metadata on the left, an embedded video player in the middle with a still image of horses on a racetrack, and a transcription of the narration on the right.
Screenshot from the MHS Digital Archive record for Suffolk Downs: Race Through Time

Spiritualist session recordings from the Leslie Shah Qualls papers

Collection: Leslie Shah Qualls (1903-1989) was a spiritualist who conducted psychic readings and mediumship.  Her papers mainly consist of her spiritual writings but also contain audio recordings of spiritualist sessions she led. 

Example of reformatted audio tapes: The original open reel audio tapes (nine audio tapes, seven with content on both sides) were converted to 16 digital files to provide access to the content. These tapes were in poor condition and required reformatting to preserve the information on them. Even if the tapes were in better condition, archival repositories don’t generally make original AV materials available in reading rooms because of the significant logistics of providing playback equipment for old formats to researchers, as well as the risk of damage or deterioration to the originals during repeated playbacks.

Explore in the MHS Digital Archive or examine the guide to the full collection and follow a link to a specific audio file.

To the left, a circular open reel audio tape. To the right, a screenshot from the MHS Digital Archive for Spiritualist session recordings, showing metadata on the top of the image with icons of speakers (signifying sound files) below the metadata. There are 9 icons because there are links to 9 sound files.
To the left, one of the original audio tapes that has been reformatted and made accessible in the MHS Digital Archive, to the right

Massachusetts Moderators Association records

Collection: The Massachusetts Moderators Association was founded in 1957 and provides resources and collaboration opportunities to town moderators.  The collection was donated in 2023 and is comprised of both physical and digital files.

Example of born-digital files: The digital materials within the Massachusetts Moderators Association were created as electronic documents in formats such as PDF and open-doc spreadsheets. These files include meeting minutes, lists, and digital files relating to various handbooks to help those leading town meeting sessions.

Explore in the MHS Digital Archive or read the guide to the full collection and follow the links to the digital files.

Two screenshots from the MHS Digital Archive relating to the Massachusetts Moderators Association records. One screenshot shows a folder grouping digital files which are represented a as a row of squares. One square incudes an arrow pointing to a second screenshot that shows the web presentation of a PDF document with metadata on the left and the page viewer on the right.
Screenshots depicting Massachusetts Moderators digital files. To the right, one folder groups multiple files, which can be opened to view the document (to the left, showing a presentation of a PDF file).

Announcing the Launch of the MHS Digital Archive

By Caitlin Walker, Digital Archivist and Metadata Analyst

The MHS collects, preserves, and provides access to collections that document the history of Massachusetts and the nation up to the present day. Information is increasingly being created and communicated in a digital environment, which means many twentieth and twenty-first century collections include or consist entirely of digital files, such as PDFs and JPEGs.

MHS has been working toward preserving and providing access to this content for many years through countless meetings with staff from the Collection Services and IT departments. We are now happy to announce the official launch of the MHS Digital Archive!

Screenshot of the MHS Digital Archive homepage that includes the site logo and the following collection categories: Archive and Manuscript Collections, MHS Oral History Project, Visual Materials Collection, and Published Materials Collection.
Homepage of the MHS Digital Archive

The MHS Digital Archive provides access to born-digital content and reformatted audiovisual files. We define these files as the following:

Born-digital is a term archivists use to describe content that was created in a digital environment. The emails you send and receive, the Microsoft Word documents you create and store on your computer or cloud storage like Google Drive, and the images and videos you take on your cellphone are all “born-digital.”

Reformatted-audiovisual items refer to physical audiovisual media (such as cassette tapes, VHS tapes, vinyl records, 16 mm film etc.) that have been converted to digital files, so users can access them without needing playback equipment such as a VCR or a record player.

How to access digital and audiovisual materials

If you have researched in MHS collections in the past, you may be familiar with using ABIGAIL, the MHS library catalog, and MHS Collection Guides to access physical materials in the MHS reading room. Or perhaps you have accessed physical items that MHS has digitized and made available on our website. We have added links to born-digital and audiovisual items within ABIGAIL and the collection guides so that users will be able to find content using the same tools, regardless of format.

Users can also access individual born-digital and reformatted audiovisual items by searching or browsing the MHS Digital Archive directly, but we encourage you to start your search with the MHS Collection Guides and ABIGAIL. I like to think of catalog records and collection guides like a recipe, and individual items (whether they be physical or digital) like an ingredient list. Without the context of the recipe, you just have a bunch of ingredients.

Screenshot of MHS Collection Guide with blue links and a corresponding video in the MHS Digital Archive.
The Environmental League of Massachusetts collection guide includes links that lead to content in the MHS Digital Archive.
Screenshot of MHS Collection Guide and corresponding PDF in the MHS Digital Archive.
Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture Records collection guide and a linked document in the MHS Digital Archive.

Please Note: Born-digital and audiovisual items that have no restrictions (not under copyright, contain no private or sensitive information) will be available online through the MHS Digital Archive. Restricted collections and items can only be viewed on a provided laptop in the MHS reading room upon request via Portal1791.

Stay tuned for blog posts next week that highlight some of the collections and items in the MHS Digital Archive!

A Few of My Favorite Things

by Susan Martin, Senior Processing Archivist

This will be my eighth and final post about the Perry-Clarke additions, and in the hot seat today is Susan Cabot (Lowell) Sohier (1823-1868). Her daughter Alice married into the Clarke family, which is how Susan’s papers became part of this collection.

The oldest child of John Amory Lowell, Susan was a scion of the famous Lowell family of Boston. She and her husband, William Sohier, had six children, three of whom tragically pre-deceased them. Susan herself died of tuberculosis at the age of 45.

But I’d like to end this blog series on a fun note. Susan’s papers include a manuscript volume entitled “Preferences,” a kind of guest book filled out by her friends and family members beginning in 1862. Among the contributors were noted Unitarian clergymen Edward Everett Hale, Henry Wilder Foote, and Robert Collyer.

Rather than just sign, individuals were asked to name a preference in each of 24 categories. The categories were: poet, prose writer, occupation, amusement, vacation destination, method of travel, “time of rising,” study, language, character in history, character in fiction, living preacher, animal, musical instrument, flower, system of government, name, dish, drink, extravagance, economy, proverb or quotation, novel, and “year of life to live over if forced to – this not penitentially.” (If there were a category for favorite question, the last one would be mine.)

Color photograph of two pages of an open hardbound leather volume. The pages are blue and covered with handwriting in black ink. The left page contains four numbered paragraphs beginning with “1. You must tell the truth,” and the right page contains a list of 24 items under the heading “Preferences.” The binding of the volume is worn, stained, and separating from the spine.
“Preferences” book in the Perry-Clarke additions, 1862-1873

Rules for the game included “You must tell the truth” and “Answer as if you had unlimited power of choice, and were in no fear of criticism or punishment.” Many contributors had fun with their responses. Here’s a selection:

Method of travel: “Cars when I’m not upset”; “Driving a 2 seated vehicle with 2 agreeable companions who shall do the talking”; “Balloon”

Time of rising: “After my second morning nap”; “I heartily enjoy getting up early in summer but dont do it”; “Just before breakfast”

Study: “The faults of others”

Language: “The language I speak, Yankee”

Character in history: “I hate history & all the characters in it”

Living preacher: “Anyone who can keep me awake”

Animal: “Almost all animals at a respectful distance”

System of government: “I haven’t any choice really” (from a woman); “Absolute Monarchy myself the Queen”; “Petticoat Government”

Names: “Clarissa Jane, for a boy decidedly Hezekiah”

Extravagance: “Gas bill”

Year of life to live over: “15 years ago” (from a 15-year-old); “25 as seen from 45”; “The year I fell in love”

There were a few consistent favorites. Popular authors included Sir Walter Scott, Baron Macaulay, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Dickens, Shakespeare, and Charlotte M. Yonge. Horses, dogs, and cats topped the animal category. A few people listed the human voice as their preferred musical instrument.

This volume definitely reminds me of the early days of email and those questionnaires our friends forwarded to us. What would your answers be?

National History Day – Call for Judges!

by Alexandra Moleski, NHD Program Coordinator

Calling all history enthusiasts! Did you know that the Massachusetts Historical Society is the sponsor of National History Day in Massachusetts? The NHD in MA team is putting out the call for volunteers to judge at our regional and state competitions in March and April 2025.

National History Day (NHD) is a project-based learning program in which students grades 6-12 conduct research on a historical topic of their choice and present their work as a documentary, website, performance, paper, or exhibit. To showcase their projects, students compete at local, regional, state, and national competitions–think gigantic science fair, but history projects! This year’s theme, Rights & Responsibilities in History, encourages students to explore how rights and the responsibility to uphold them shape the relationship between individuals and their communities.

What does the judging process look like?

Judging is an exciting opportunity to learn from and celebrate our student historians and their research journeys.

  • You will be paired with an experienced judge and assigned to a specific age division and project category.
  • You will view the students’ research projects and review their project paperwork.
  • You will interview the students using sample questions provided to you, along with any other questions you may have about the students’ research.
  • You will work with your team to determine the rankings and to provide written feedback for each project.

Don’t worry–the NHD in MA team will prepare you with everything you need to know prior to judging at our judge orientation. We will be with you every step of the way!

Check out the dates and locations of our upcoming regional and state competitions below and apply to be an NHD judge! Registration for our regional competitions opened on January 13, 2025 and will remain open through each contest day.

Greater Boston Regional Competition

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Stoneham Central Middle School

Apply here

South Shore Regional Competition

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Foxborough High School

Apply here

Central West Regional Competition              

Saturday, March 8, 2025                                             

Leicester Middle School                                                                        

Apply here

MA State Competition

Saturday, April 12, 2025

Winchester High School

Registration TBA

Complete interest form here  

Questions? Feel free to contact the NHD in MA team at nhd@stonewallartandcollectables.com.

Behind the Scenes of Faneuil Hall Marketplace

by Brandon McGrath-Neely, Library Assistant

When family and friends come to visit Boston, there are a few places we always visit. We wind through the North End’s narrow streets, grabbing treats at Bova’s Bakery. We stand at the site of the Boston Massacre and look up at the Old State House, with modern buildings soaring behind it. And in between those two stops, we always visit the Faneuil Hall Marketplace.

The Marketplace, which includes Faneuil Hall and its younger siblings—Quincy Market, North Market, and South Market—began when merchant and slave trader Peter Faneuil constructed Faneuil Hall in 1742. Over the next 283 years, the building would change in size, style and substance (and a name change is currently under discussion). The collections of the MHS were actually stored in its attic from 1793 to 1794! Luckily, our materials had moved elsewhere before a series of fires and expansions changed the building—especially an 1806 expansion by famed architect Charles Bulfinch. The three market buildings were added between 1826 and 1827.

Next to the large stone side of Quincy Market, a street with market tents and covered wagons.
Quincy Market, roughly 1859

As both the Faneuil Hall Marketplace and the city of Boston grew, the Marketplace fell into disrepair. In drastic need of revitalization, the architectural design firm Benjamin Thompson and Associates was selected in 1971 to breathe new life into the iconic landmark. When the project was completed in 1978, the Marketplace was closed to vehicles and instead emphasized foot traffic. Travelers from all over the world can now wander through everything the site has to offer. According to Newsweek, it is the 10th most popular tourist attraction in the country. Each year, around 18 million visitors come to explore its food, stores, and attractions.

Shoppers browse market stalls selling flowers and other goods under colorful sun shades. A sign for "The Magic Pan Creperie" points away.
Quincy Market after reopening, 1976

The records of this redesign project are held by the Massachusetts Historical Society in the Ben and Jane Thompson Faneuil Hall Marketplace Records. The rich set of materials help show how the older versions of the Marketplace have changed to become the gathering place we know and love today. Whether Faneuil Hall is on your bucket list, or you’ve been a thousand times, the records offer new ways to experience the market.

If you’re interested in architecture, you can browse the many designs and planning documents, including elevations, floorplans, and images of scale models. If you want to learn about advertising and marketing, you can explore the large number of press materials and see how Faneuil Hall Marketplace became the most visited location in Massachusetts. And if you just like looking at old photos of Boston, the rare images of Quincy Market under construction are a delightful peek behind the scenes.

An aerial view of Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market. Pedestrians walk around the buildings, while roads and highways stretch to the sides and rear of the marketplace. Boston Harbor is visible in the background.
The Faneuil Hall Marketplace, 1976. Note the elevated I-93 highway, which was replaced during Boston’s “Big Dig.”

The Faneuil Hall Marketplace Records are some of my favorite materials at the MHS, because they allow you to experience the iconic landmark in so many ways. They were also processed using the More Product, Less Process approach, described in this Beehive post, which makes the whole collection feel like finding hidden treasures tucked away for decades. So next time you bring a friend to Faneuil Hall, bring them by the MHS to see how it grew up!

Yours Affectionately AA

by Heather Rockwood, Communications Manager

Saying goodbye to those who are dear to us is always difficult. But maybe less so for letter writers who say goodbye at the end of their letters instead of in person. Here are a few of my favorite letter signoffs from the MHS collection and archives.

“yours affectionatly AA”

Color photograph of the sign off from a handwritten letter in black ink on paper discolored with age.
Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 21 February 1801

“We have no other news at present peculiarly worthy of communication, and I therefore close my letter with the assurance that I am with all due respect and affection, your Son. J. Q. Adams.”

Color photograph of the sign off from a handwritten letter in black ink on paper discolored with age.
Letter from John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 8 December 1792

“I have not time for more and I dare say you will think this quite enough from your most affectionate Mother
L. C. A.”

Color photograph of the sign off from a handwritten letter in black ink on paper discolored with age.
Letter from Louisa Catherine Adams to John Adams, 5 July 1821

Clara E. Currier’s Diary, January 1925

by Hannah Elder, Associate Reference Librarian for Rights & Reproductions 

Long time readers of the blog may recall a series of posts that ran from 2015 to 2019, transcribing a line-a-day diary from exactly one century before. This series was run by Anna Clutterbuck-Cook, who at the time of her passing in 2023 was the Senior Reference Librarian here at the MHS. Anna was mid-way through that series when I started at the MHS and it quickly became one of my favorite features on the blog. In memory of Anna and to bring back a delightful, regular read, I want to pick up the series and bring to you, our lovely readers, a new diary transcription project.

For 2025 we will be journeying with Clara E. Currier, a woman who lived in or near Haverhill, Massachusetts, and her 1925 diary. Blog readers first met Currier in a 2022 blog post about the 1918 influenza pandemic, which Currier mentioned in her diary for that year. Currier was a regular diarist and while we only have her diaries for 1 July 1918 to 31 December 1919, 1 January 1925 to 31 March 1926, and 1 January 1928 to 1932, I speculate that she kept a diary for most of her adult life. While I haven’t been able to learn much about Currier’s life from sources outside of her diaries, the diaries do tell me that she had a small circle of friends and family in the area, wore glasses, could knit, crochet, embroider, and sew, and had an active volunteer life.

Without further ado, I present Clara Currier’s 1925 diary.

The front cover of a small, brown paperbound diary on top of a bookrest in the MHS reading room.
Clara E. Currier’s diary for 1 January 1925-31 March 1926

Jan. 1, Thurs. Fair and cold, sewed.

Jan. 2, Fri. Dull with snow flurries, cold, embroidered. Swept chambers.

Jan. 3, Sat. Dull, snowed and rained a little, went up to Edith Palmer’s, crocheted.

Jan. 4, Sun. Fair, read, went to church in evening.

Jan. 5, Mon. Fair, went over to Frank’s and played whist.

Jan. 6, Tues. Dull and raw, went to Haverhill* to have eyes tested, called on May Pickering, crocheted.

Jan. 7, Wed. Fair, help cut up lard, crocheted and sewed. Saw a flying machine and a earthquake shock.

Jan. 8, Thurs. Fair and warmer, crocheted, went over to Frank to play whist.

Jan. 9, Fri. Fair, lovely moon, worked on bungalow apron, played whist. Swept chambers.

Jan. 10, Sat. Fair, Gertie, Sizzie and Ralph came up.

Jan. 11, Sun. Dull, went to church and over to Uncle Will’s. Charlie, Delia and Ben were there.

Jan. 12, Mon. Snowed, did some embroidery.

Jan. 13, Tues. Snowed a little and cleared, embroidered, played whist.

Jan. 14, Wed. Fair and cold, Mary and I went down to Kate’s for the afternoon and to the Grange Installation by Mr. + Mrs. Otis Eastman in the evening. Listened in on the radio.

Jan. 15, Thurs. Fair, crocheted and played whist.

Jan. 16, Fri. Dull with snow in afternoon and evening, crocheted, done the sweeping.

Jan. 17, Sat. Fair, finished a doily and sewed.

Jan. 18, Sun. Fair with snow flurries, started to read, “Fair Harbor” by Lincoln. [editor’s note: Fair Harbor by Joseph C. Lincoln is available to read for free on the Internet Archive]

Jan. 19, Mon. Fair, finished some insertion, went up and called on Helen West with Mary.

A news clipping covering manuscript diary entries. The article describes what will happen during the total solar eclipse on January 24, 1925.
Diary entries for Jan 20-24, partially covered by a news clipping on what to expect during the solar eclipse

Jan. 20, Tues. Snow, took the 9.45 train for Haverhill and came to Amesbury and went to work after dinner.

Jan. 21, Wed. Fair, went to Haverhill to Rebekah Roll Call.

Jan 22, Thurs. 3.42 Fair with strong wind at night. Settled.

Jan. 23, Fri. Fair, very cold and windy, went up town. 

Jan. 24, Sat. Changeable and warmer, saw the eclipse from start to finish, began to cover from the west side and came off from the top. The moon passed between the earth and sun nearly total, had the appearance of a thunder storm a coming. Went to Haverhill after my glasses. Gertie rode home with me. Got some overshoes.

Jan. 25, Sun. Fair, went to church and called on Cody and Charlie. They have a cute bungalow.

Jan. 26, Mon. Fair and a little warmer, went to Corner Class meeting at Mrs. Fiske.

Jan. 27, Tues. Snow, did some clearing up.

Jan. 28, Wed. Fair and cold, called on John and Mabel and Mrs. Dennis.

Jan. 29, Thurs. Cold with snow at night, cleaned up kitchen. First pay day.

Jan. 30, Fri. Rain and snow and then froze up, icy. Covered my box for grange.

Jan. 31, Sat. Fair and a little warmer, went up town on errands, read.

If you are interested in viewing the diary in person in our library or have other questions about the collection, please visit the library or contact a member of the library staff.

*Please note that this diary transcription is a rough-and-ready version, not an authoritative transcript. Researchers wishing to use the diary in the course of their own work should verify the version found here with the manuscript original.

“Stamped with Genius”: Anna Cabot Lowell and the Epistolary Art

by Susan Martin, Senior Processing Archivist

In previous Beehive posts, I’ve introduced you to several members of the Clarke family. Well, the Clarkes were related by marriage to the illustrious Boston Lowells, so the Perry-Clarke additions at the MHS also include papers from members of that family.

If there were prizes for the most prevalent 18th- and 19th-century Boston Brahmin names, “Anna Cabot Lowell” would have to be up there. Our catalog lists four of them, and that doesn’t even include married women or namesakes. The one I’d like to highlight today is Anna Cabot Lowell (1768-1810), a.k.a. Nancy.

Color photograph of the first page of a manuscript letter written in black ink, beginning “To Miss Ann Bromfield” and dated at “Broomley Vale,” February 3, 1799. The paper is yellowed with age and has a few stains around the edges, ink smudges, underlines, and cross-outs.
Letter from Anna Cabot Lowell to Ann Bromfield, 3 February 1799

Nancy was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, on 30 March 1768, the oldest of Judge John Lowell’s nine children. Her biological mother, Sarah (Higginson) Lowell, died when Nancy was four years old, and her father re-married twice. Nancy herself never married or had children, and died of tuberculosis on 18 December 1810 when she was 42 years old.

But her family connections aren’t the reason I wanted to write about Nancy today; her letters are just really entertaining! To give you a sense of her style, here’s what she wrote about her friend Betsey Lee on 3 February 1799.

She still laughs & Rants, is rational & absurd in the same breath, & after exhausting the powers of the English language finds she cannot express herself – in short is the same extravagant, good, charming, provoking girl she ever was. […]

I went to one play with her, the Castle Spectre, with which we were highly entertained. We were told afterwards that we ought not to have been […] but we unluckily suffered ourselves to be pleased before we considered the propriety of being so and have been honest enough to own it.

A prolific correspondent with a wide social network, Nancy was one of those people who elevated letter-writing to an art. Her friends included Ann Bromfield (later Mrs. Tracy); Eliza Susan Morton Quincy, wife of Congressman Josiah Quincy; and Scottish author Anne MacVicar Grant. The Perry-Clarke additions contain many of her letters to Bromfield—like the one quoted above—and the MHS also holds a collection of her correspondence with Quincy and Grant.

Nancy’s letters are alternately funny, mournful, worried, silly, and philosophical, but always intelligent and well-written. The gossip also flew fast and furious, especially when it came to who was “paying attentions” to whom. In fact, some of the gossip may have been too much for Anna’s niece, another Anna Cabot Lowell (1808-1894), who compiled her aunt’s letters in 1881. In addition to adding a few explanatory annotations, this younger Anna was probably the one who scribbled out some apparently incriminating passages.

According to Eliza Quincy’s memoir, “For intellectual gifts and exalted character, Miss Lowell held an acknowledged pre-eminence among her contemporaries in Boston. Her writings, both in prose and verse, are stamped with genius.”

Quincy’s youngest daughter, named in her friend’s honor, also had a way with words and became a published poet.

“Distended with his Dignity”: John Quincy Adams Meets John Tyler’s Sons

by Sarah Hume, Editorial Assistant, Adams Papers

On 7 September 1842, John Quincy Adams took his seat on the 6 o’clock A.M. train from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore. The weather was warm, with more than thirty people crowding onto the train. Among them were Robert Tyler and John Tyler Jr., sons of President John Tyler. When asked if they had spoken with Adams, Robert “answered no, because [Adams] had abused his father.”

Certainly, John Quincy Adams harbored no love for John Tyler. After former president William Henry Harrison died one month after his inauguration, vice-president Tyler assumed the presidency. It was the first time an acting president had died in office and the Constitution failed to provide clear next steps.

In Adams’ opinion, Tyler should have been “Vice-President acting as President,” but instead Tyler took the office. To make matters worse, Adams found Tyler “principled against all improvement— With all the interests and passions, and vices of Slavery rooted in his moral and political constitution—with talents not above mediocrity” (JQA, Diary, 4 April 1841). This extended to Tyler’s family as well.

A white man in a suit sits at a desk strewn with papers. His hand is on a book.
John Tyler

“Captain Tyler’s two sons are to him what nephews have usually been to the Pope, and among his minor vices is nepotism,” Adams wrote. “The son John was so distended with his dignity as Secretary that he had engraved on his visiting cards ‘John Tyler junr. Private and confidential Secretary of his Excellency John Tyler, President of the United States.’”

Adams himself was no stranger to nepotism. When he had been a young diplomat, his father President John Adams nominated him for a diplomatic post in Prussia. John Quincy had long vowed he would never take a position given by his father. When he accepted the post out of duty for public service, he felt he had “broken a resolution that I had deliberately formed…  I have never acted more reluctantly” (JQA to AA, 29 July 1797).

In Adams’ eyes, the same could not be said for John Tyler’s sons. The two men seemed to revel in their newfound power. “Robert is as confidential as John, and both of them divulged all his cabinet secrets to a man named Parmelee and John Howard Payne, hired Reporters for Bennett’s Herald Newspaper at New-York,” Adams wrote (JQA, Diary, 7 Sept. 1842).

A white man in a long coat stands next to a desk.
John Quincy Adams

Just a few short months later, T.N. Parmelee would be dismissed from the paper for his “indolence and incompetence,” and move to Washington, D.C. to “hang upon the President and his friends,” as reported by the New York Herald on 31 Dec. 1842.

In this way, Adams’ views were confirmed: Tyler’s sons and T.N. Parmalee had little confidentiality to spare. These ethical questions of nepotism, pride, and public good raised the tension between Adams and John Tyler, exacerbating their public issues over slavery.

And though Adams predicted that slavery would ultimately end, he sensed that it would come at a cost. “The conflict will be terrible,” he wrote on 13 Dec. 1838, “and the progress of improvement perhaps retrograde before its final progress to consummation.”

The Adams Papers editorial project at the Massachusetts Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our sponsors. Major funding for the John Quincy Adams Digital Diary was provided by the Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund, with additional contributions by Harvard University Press and a number of private donors. The Mellon Foundation in partnership with the National Historical Publications and Records Commission also supports the project through funding for the Society’s digital publishing collaborative, the Primary Source Cooperative.